Our bodies speak. Every facial expression, every gesture, every little movement is a statement. Body Talk teaches you how to understand what you and other people are saying without words. Michael Trautman's forty years of studying Movement has given him special insight into how we speak with our bodies.
Michael Trautman is variously identified as a visual comic, performance artist, new vaudevillian, mime (gasp), physical comedian, storyteller, magician, and fool, he claims only to be a clown...and not a very traditional clown at that. He has appeared in such prestigious venues as theNew York International Festival of Clown Theater, Festival D’Ete in Quebec, the General Jackson Showboat at Opryland USA, the Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal, and The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Michael lives in Portland, Maine, where he is Co-Director of the Maine Youth Circus. www.MaineYouthCircus.org.
Photo by E. Lamprecht